Domain Samurai helps you accurately assess a domain’s potential – helping you to find a high-value, keyword-rich, search engine-optimised domain name.
Most people think it’s enough to control their own domain – they’re dead WRONG.
Similar domain names to yours will appear on the same results page as yours – if your competitors get their hands on these they will steal YOUR traffic.
Domain Samurai’s research module tracks down domains closely related to your own – domains that are leeching off YOUR success.
Registering these domains will wall your opposition out of your market and steer more traffic your way, resulting in TOTAL MARKET DOMINATION.
Existing domains are a fantastic source of PageRank and ready-made traffic – but searching for existing domains that are available for sale or auction is a hard process.
Researching the market, selecting your target keywords, running your keywords through registrars to check if they are even available – and after all that you may still come up with nothing.
Not Anymore...
By connecting your DomainFace account to Domain Samurai you can make use of the Aged Domains tool inside the Domains module.
The Domains module automatically pinpoints existing domains related to your keywords; domains that come with existing PageRank; existing links; existing traffic – everything you would normally need to invest a LOT of time and effort in to create yourself.
Requirement: Adobe Air.
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